Q. "What are the basic steps of a harassment investigation?"


Investigating a claim of harassment can be intimidating, but here is a condensed overview of the steps for an investigation:

Select an interviewer.

  • This person should be an impartial manager or HR representative. Ideally, they have completed training on conducting a harassment investigation.

  • The investigation should be conducted as soon as possible.

  • Approach the investigation process without presumption and committed to being fair and thorough.

Conduct interviews and gather evidence.

  • Speak with the employee who filed the complaint (if known), accused employee, and witnesses named.

  • Do not use leading or accusatory questions.

  • Questions should be unbiased, open ended, and prepared in advance but don't be afraid to ask follow-up questions.

  • Think about any documents, emails, photographs, videos, etc., that might assist in your investigation.

Make a decision and take action.

  • Once interviews are complete and evidence gathered, decide what to do. Document conclusions and actions taken.

  • If you conclude the accused employee violated policy, take appropriate disciplinary measures. What qualifies as appropriate depends on the severity of behavior.

  • Place a summary of the findings in the accused employee’s file.

  • Remind the accused that retaliation against their accuser is unacceptable.

Inform the employee who made the complaint.

  • Alert the employee who filed the complaint about the conclusion.

  • Don’t share the specific disciplinary action taken (if any). Just assure that you took appropriate steps to address the current situation and prevent future harassment.

  • Remind the employee that filed the complaint that retaliation will not be tolerated and they should let you know if they feel they’re experiencing any backlash. 


Did you know we offer online, ministry-specific harassment prevention training?